Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's all about the he said, she said

What better way to use one's connections and information circles than to post rumors about who people are thinking is going to run? It's one way to get more people interested (either because they love or hate who is going to run) and to get people talking about the people whose names are going to be up for debate in the next few weeks. Not that any of these people have told me this officially themselves (though a couple have told me it unofficially) but a lot of it is from someone who heard that someone was thinking of running. This is the first year in SFSS history that this has been allowed to be talked about that I've known of (JJ said that last year that was the case too but I didn't know that.. probably because I was in Taipei at the time). I think it's goint to do wonders for transparency.

So, without any further delay, here's who I heard is up for running:

President - Joe Paling, Amanda Van Baarsen, rumors of yours truly (still haven't decided. check out my Presidential Exploratory Commitee announced today)

ERO - Natalie Bocking, Amy Fox (is she still eligible?)

IRO - no word. Haida (the current IRO) still doing it? Some mention of trying to get Alex Hemingway to take it on...

URO - Amanda Van Baarsen

MSO - Earl Tapia

Treasurer - Joe Paling

Business Faculty Rep - Carolina Dubanik

These are the rumors I have heard. I make no promises they are true. I know one of my favourite things about being a student politician or writing for the Peak was when people would hear rumors about what I was planning to do way before I decided I was going to do it. If what is up here offends you or is utterly wrong, let me know, I'll post that too.

Anna Belkine (current sciences rep and wife of treasurer) is said to be considering positions. Amanda Van Baarsen is rumored to 'want to graduate' at the same time that she is rumored to be running for executive again. Also, a goodlooking little birdie told me that CFS-friendlies are going to run in a few spots to keep that voice there. Joe Paling apparantly wants either President or Treasurer because "those are the only two titles recognized by anyone outside the SFSS" (quote from an anonymous source)... sounds like resume politics to me. Jonathan Brockman is also rumored to have been courted by the current SFSS board.

If you know of any other rumors, feel free to send me a message or post it as a comment and I'll add it to the blog. Let's improve transparency by talking about this stuff.

What irks me is that there seem to be very little effort on the part of the current board to get more people to run, regardless of the fact that most of the undergrads on the board are past their 5th year (which is now SFU standard from what I understand it). Does the word sucession planning mean anything anymore or is graduating now equivalent to death and something to be avoided?

Also, if anyone runs as an incumbent on finishing the website, which the society already spent thousands on and a number of the current board ran on in January and March, I will take all your work reports and timesheets and question every single hour spent on anything related to a website.

For other rants and rumors, stay tuned. Also, please vote for this blog if you think the content is mildly interesting and you'd like to see it keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

william said...

"In the last five elections, only 10 per cent of the candidates who ran for city council were from south of 41st Street," Dhaliwal told The Tyee last week. "Ninety per cent were from the northern part of the city."
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